Anonymous asks
The notepad application example runs without problems on my Raspberry Pi. But the menu bar shows no icons. just blank rectangles. They do work if I click on them. What could be the problem?
Open the file and go after this:
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MainWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
add the following lines:
icon = QIcon(os.path.join('images', 'blue-flolder-open-document.png'))
print("availableSizes:", icon.availableSizes())
the output on the terminal should be:
availableSizes: [PyQt5.QtCore.QSize(16, 16)]
if it is different, for example:
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Developers in [[ country ]] get [[ discount.discount_pc ]]% OFF on all books & courses with code [[ discount.coupon_code ]]availableSizes: []
try to replace all the occurrences of:
where path is the absolute path of your images folder for example:
path = '/home/USER_NAME/notepad/forum/images'
if the notepad folder is in the USER_NAME
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