So far we have been creating apps using Python code. This works well in many cases, but it can get a bit cumbersome to define all widgets programmatically. The good news is that Qt comes with a graphical editorQt Designer — which contains a drag-and-drop UI editor. Using Qt Designer you can define your UIs visually and then simply hook up the application logic later.

If you're going to be distributing your applications, you might also want to take a look at the QResource framework which simplifies bundling data files (like icons) with your applications.

Explore Qt Designer

Install Qt Designer Standalone

Qt Designer Download for Windows, Mac and Linux

The QResource System

Using the QResource system to package additional data with your applications

Creating Dialogs With Qt Designer

Using the drag and drop editor to build PyQt5 dialogs

Laying Out Your PyQt5 GUIs With Qt Designer

Use Qt Designer to effortlessly build your application UI

Embedding custom widgets from Qt Designer

Learn how to use custom widgets in your PyQt5 applications when designing with Qt Designer

First steps with Qt Designer

Use Qt Designer's drag and drop interface to design your PyQt5 GUI