Adding application Help and About dialogs

Put some finishing touches to your application

PyQt5 Tutorial Mozzarella Ashbadger

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In the previous parts we've added some basic UI elements, including menus and toolbars, and implemented basic loading & saving of HTML files to the browser view. Now, to complete the standard interface, we will add a Help menu.

Since our application is a web browser, it makes sense to show the help in the browser view. We have two options here: either include the help HTML with the application, and use our load HTML code from the previous tutorial. Or, load up a web page in the browser view.

Here we're doing the latter, redirecting the user to a web page (this tutorial!) but have a go at implementing loading a HTML file for custom offline help.

help_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu("&Help")

about_action = QAction( QIcon( os.path.join('icons','question.png') ), "About Mozarella Ashbadger", self)
about_action.setStatusTip("Find out more about Mozarella Ashbadger") # Hungry!
about_action.triggered.connect( self.about )

navigate_mozarella_action = QAction( QIcon( os.path.join('icons','lifebuoy.png') ), "Mozarella Ashbadger Homepage", self)
navigate_mozarella_action.setStatusTip("Go to Mozarella Ashbadger Homepage")
navigate_mozarella_action.triggered.connect( self.navigate_mozarella )

Next we add two custom slot methods to handle the display of the dialog, and to load the 'browser page' with more information.

The first method navigate_mozzarella opens up a page with more information on the browser, the second creates and executes a custom QDialog class AboutDialog.

def navigate_mozarella(self):
    self.browser.setUrl( QUrl("") )

def about(self):
    dlg = AboutDialog()

The definition for the about dialog is given below. The structure follows that seen earlier, with a QDialogButtonBox and associated signals to handle user input, and a series of QLabels to display the application information and a logo.

The only trick here is adding all the elements to the layout, then iterate over them to set the alignment to the center in a single loop. This saves duplication for the individual sections.

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class AboutDialog(QDialog):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(AboutDialog, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        QBtn = QDialogButtonBox.Ok  # No cancel
        self.buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox(QBtn)

        layout = QVBoxLayout()

        title = QLabel("Mozarella Ashbadger")
        font = title.font()


        logo = QLabel()
        logo.setPixmap( QPixmap( os.path.join('icons','ma-icon-128.png') ) )

        layout.addWidget( QLabel("Version") )
        layout.addWidget( QLabel("Copyright 2015 Mozarella Inc.") )

        for i in range(0, layout.count() ):
            layout.itemAt(i).setAlignment( Qt.AlignHCenter )



The completes the basic user interface for our web browser. In the next part we're going to take this functional web browser and extend it to implemented tabbed web browsing -- allowing you to keep multiple documents open at the same time.

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Adding application Help and About dialogs was written by Martin Fitzpatrick .

Martin Fitzpatrick has been developing Python/Qt apps for 8 years. Building desktop applications to make data-analysis tools more user-friendly, Python was the obvious choice. Starting with Tk, later moving to wxWidgets and finally adopting PyQt.